Stress can affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is important to recognize the signs of stress in order to deal with it properly.
How To Cope With Stress...
- Learn what your triggers are. For example; too many things on your 'to do' list or not enough time to complete all the tasks. Always prioritize this list according to importance (Remembering that family always comes first), you may also wish to consider working shorter days for a while if possible, rather than burning yourself out by trying to fit too much into one day.
- Take some time out for yourself each day – even if it's just 5 minutes! Sit down (or stand if you don't have the time) and take some deep breaths. Stretch your arms above your head, twist from side to side, even do a little dance!
- If something is making you angry or upset, write it down on paper before trying to deal with it. Now rip up the paper! It feels great doesn't it?
- Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling. At least then you know that there is someone who cares about your well-being! You don't have to go through this alone. There are many people out there that would be more than willing to lend a hand...we all need one once in a while anyway.
- Find a stress reliever that works for you. For example; take up a sport, go out for a run or walk, go to the gym, dance around your living room while no-one's looking!
- Take time to do what makes you happy. There are many things in life aside from work, family, and home something just for YOU occasionally. It doesn't have to be expensive either...a picnic in the park is an inexpensive way of relaxing and taking in some fresh air.
With regards to How To Cope With Stress, it is also important not only to deal with the 'cause' but also your reaction(s) towards this.
For further support see your doctor or a counselor if necessary.
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